Platz was established in Nishijin around in 1890. In 1960 our shop and factory relocated to Arashiyama and opened a Japanese style bedding goods shop at the same time. In 1990 we started to deal in housewares and handmade cushions. PLATZ株式會社於西元1887年創業於京都西陣地區,後隨工廠轉移,西元1990年於京都嵯峨嵐山設立實體店面「PLATZ」並結合原有之座布團商品及日式生活雜貨、傢俱等商品。 歷史悠久且自有品牌之座布團商品皆由日本職人手工製作,做工精細品質優良,日本多間知名料理亭及社寺佛閣指定採用。電視節目、報章雜誌亦常多次採訪。 At this moment in time, this on-line shop can only surve products to Asian countries.